Admittedly a novice at this, here is the revised press release for the launch. I hope it works!!!Good News Reuse™ launches funding campaign on IndieGoGo for a reusable pizza box
“everyone can use good news”
Good News Reuse™, a Mill Valley, CA based start-up devoted to reducing waste in the food and beverage industry, has spearheaded an online funding campaign on IndieGoGo. Founder Susan Lopes is counting on community support to raise funds for its first product, the Pi Pan, a reusable pizza box. With enough backing, Lopes will launch the Pi Pan, designed to replace the 3 billion cardboard pizza boxes thrown away in the USA each year.
IndieGoGo is an online “crowdfunding” website where entrepreneurs have an opportunity to present ideas to a supportive community to raise seed money. People can show support by contributing as little as $5 or up to $25,000 or more, and be rewarded with perks. Good News Reuse™ has set its goal at $70,000, the minimum needed to fund the manufacturing of the Pi Pan prototype and samples. There is a 34-day fundraising window. The campaign ends on Monday, October 17, 2011.
When asked why we chose to seek funding on IndieGoGo, Lopes stated “You can spread the word quickly to a lot of people. Our company has a strong educational message to get out to the masses. It is the importance of reusing. IndieGoGo also allows you to promote your brand, not just a specific product or project. In keeping with the company’s long-range mission, we are partnering with MiiR’s one4one initiative for some of our perks. Each contribution for a reusable water bottle will provide clean water to a person in need for an entire year.”
To find out more about the Good News Reuse™ Pi Pan campaign visit:
The patent-pending Pi Pan is made of thin commercial food grade stainless steel and is as thin as a reusable water bottle. It is BPA-free and does not contain other unhealthy chemicals. It is reusable for 1,000+ times.
Good News Reuse™ believes that the introduction of reusable products in businesses, institutions, and schools will make a huge impact on resource conservation. The act of replacing single-use products provides an opportunity to create life-long healthy habits, particularly among young children. Ultimately, Good News Reuse™ wants all pizza lovers to have reusable Pi Pans, which will be available for purchase on its website.
“People are always shocked to learn that we throw away 3 billion cardboard pizza boxes every year in the USA. That’s enough to circle the earth 26 times. They are also surprised to find out that food-stained pizza boxes are not recyclable, only commercially compostable. That ends up being a lot of waste in our landfills,” says Lopes.
About Good News Reuse™:
Good News Reuse™ is a start-up dedicated to reducing waste in the food and beverage industry. Good News Reuse™ designs sustainable solutions to replace single-use disposables with reusable products.
Once profitable Good News Reuse™ will donate at least 1% of annual sales to nonprofits working to protect the environment and promote environmental awareness.
Learn more about Good News Reuse™ at
Susan Lopes
[email protected]