I thought about the delicious organic Tony Tutto's pizza I was going to eat later in the day with Darya, Intern extraordinaire. Like all take-out pizzas, it would be packaged in a single-use cardboard box. When finished, we would cut out the greasy parts for composting and recycle the rest, if any. Most people are surprised to learn that pizza boxes, when food-stained, are not recyclable. Most towns don't have commercial composting. Most pizza boxes end up in landfills.
Truth be told, we bring in our own container now...Tony expects it. With the knowledge our team now has about the billions of pizza boxes going to waste each year, no more single-use pizza boxes for us.
Creating a reusable pizza box from sustainable materials was our first solution to saving trees and other natural resources. We hope our first product...we call it The Pi Pan...will be available soon. We are madly working to get funding and have decided to go the crowdfunding route so we can get the word out as quickly as possible to as many pizza lovers as possible.
Photos courtesy of Olivia: